The Alta Moda Audio Hippo is a high-performance bus compressor designed for the API™ 500-series compatible rack systems.
The Hippo is based on the same VCA topology made popular in highly successful recording consoles of the 1980s, but includes many modern features not found on typical bus compressors. Features • Extended attack, release and ratio settings for wider control ranges. Rotary switches allow for simple recalls of settings. Selected controls are continuously-variable for enhanced resolution and versatility. • High Pass Filter on side chain for better control of bass-heavy material. • Warmth control adds rich harmonic distortion to fatten tracks. • Channel linking options allow for better control of stereo imaging, including the ability to run the channel detectors independently of one another (Dual mode). • Dual, 20-segment gain-reduction meters monitor both detectors with 1dB resolution. • Blend control allows varying the output between dry and compressed signal for more subtle compression effects. • Hard-wire relay bypass. |