Magneto-Dynamic Infundibulum is ready! – there is a premature picture of it among the new mugshots, but it‘s final appearance will change a bit in production (the elliptic filter will be omitted, and the bypass knob will be in-line with the rest). The G21 is something as simple/complex as a fully controllable passive analogue soft clipper. > Aimed at (and developed in close cooperation with) mastering engineers, it soft-clips audio in analogue domain in a variety of ways, with a whole lot of control over the process. It consists of four sections of clipping – an overall clipping stage with selectable emphasis white/pink/red, and three individually controlled frequency-band-limited clipper stages for low, mid and highs. The name is because we do the dynamic clipping mainly in magnetic domain, in a way that funnels much of the unwanted byproducts of clipping into generating meter movement. And oh, by the way: the G21 is fully passive in the sense that it uses no power. No mains connector on back side, only four XLR‘s. |