There are two concepts for low frequency bass absorption: resonance absorbers tuned to an individual room resonance and broadband bass traps which treat the whole low frequency area. While the effectivity of tuned resonators against own modes is yet unreached if there’s certainty of these frequencies it is often needless to measure if using broadband bass traps.
As there are good reasons for both concepts we decided to offer the bass traps B500 and B600 in both versions: version A is tuned to a precise resonance frequency between 20 Hz and 60 Hz and offers maximal small band effectivity while version B is a broadband absorber and allows absorption without accurate knowledge of the dominant room resonances.
In addition to their main modes many studio rooms suffer from further resonances that also need to be treated. In these cases we often combine both versions
of bass absorbers: While the dominant own modes are damped with tuned bass traps (version A), additional broadband modules (type B) act throughout the whole frequency range. In addition, the broadband version enables the creation of a reflection free zone around the listening position.
The B500/B600 bass traps are particularly effective in correcting the time domain, thus the reduction of low frequency decay of a room. As this behaviour is very difficult to be improved by using electronic filters, the correction of the room acoustics itself is especially important here. Moreover, the frequency response at the listening position is linearized and the dependency on position of the sound field is reduced.